TENGDA Is a Professional Plastic Extruder Machine Manufacturers in China.
Are we informed about single screw extruder weight and volume after shipment?
Nanjing Tengda Machinery Co., Ltd. provides cargo weight and volume after shipment of single screw extruder once such information is recorded and submitted to the customs. If you do not get it, please contact our Customer Service through phone or email. It's wise both for you and us to understand how shipping fees are calculated and we have relevant calculation formula which should be gained through negotiation. We are able to creatively design your packages to simplify logistics and cut your shipping costs.
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TENGDA has been active in the industry of lab extruder price since the day of its establishment. TENGDA's twin screw extruder is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. This product has a strong hydrophobicity property. The low water absorption of it greatly reduces the swelling and cracking caused by water molecules. TENGDA plans the quality management system and meet the quality object.
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We always consider that customers are the best resource for growing our brand awareness in a positive way. We attach great importance to customer experience and we will definitely spare no efforts to increase their satisfaction.

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