TENGDA Is a Professional Plastic Extruder Machine Manufacturers in China.
What about the supply capacity of single screw extruder in TENGDA?
Over the years, supply capacity of Nanjing Tengda Machinery Co., Ltd. single screw extruder is increased either to meet an actual increase or an anticipated increase in customer demand. The operation of high-tech equipment has led to a great capacity, and thus has contributed to the improvement of our competitiveness and profitability. By expanding our production capacity and by introducing new quality standards, we grant you efficiency and highest quality.
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TENGDA is one of leading companies which manufactures twin screw pelletizer. TENGDA has created a number of successful series, and tsh twin screw extruder is one of them. TENGDA twin screw extruder manufacturers is finely manufactured thanks to the applications of advanced technology and lean production system. The product is not susceptible to high temperatures. The heat-treated wood materials are able to prevent any distortion as the sauna room heats up.

We prioritize customers as our major concern. We will deeply understand our target audience and analyze customer and sales metrics, so as to discover ways to create better products or marketing approaches.

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