TENGDA Is a Professional Plastic Extruder Machine Manufacturers in China.

What is the reason for the unstable discharge speed of the twin-screw extruder

by:TENGDA     2023-02-01
​First of all, we need to understand what kind of wool you are making, what is the production capacity per hour, and start the machine according to your production capacity. What is the reason for the unstable output speed of the twin-screw plastic extruder?

Don't panic, everyone comes to check the same

What is the reason for the unstable output speed of the twin-screw extruder

1. First check whether the feeding port of the twin-screw plastic extruder is blocked, whether the feeding is stable or not

2. Check whether the engine temperature and working pressure are normal

3. Is the discharge port and the filter screen blocked?

4. Is the temperature in each area normal?

5. Is the screw damaged a lot?

6. Are the rolling bearings damaged in various places?

7. Is the current flow stable?

The above 7 points are the reasons for the unstable output speed of the twin-screw extruder equipment. For more information about twin-screw extruders, pay attention to the official website of Nanjing TENGDA Plastic Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (www.lulongjichu .com)

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