TENGDA Is a Professional Plastic Extruder Machine Manufacturers in China.

When using a plastic modified granulator, pay attention to changes in the temperature of the body at any time.

by:TENGDA     2022-11-16

When we use the plastic modified granulator, the first thing we should do is to pay attention to the change of the temperature of the body at any time. The temperature of the body can indicate whether the operation of this kind of mechanical equipment is normal? Generally speaking, as long as we use our hands to Touch the temperature of the sliver and you will be able to understand.

1. The sticky hand is normal

When we touch the sliver of the plastic modified granulator with our hands, if the sliver appears, the sticky hands are all normal, which means that this kind of mechanical equipment is in normal working condition.

2. Not sticky hands need to be warmed

But when we touch the sliver of the plastic modified granulator with our hands, we find that the sliver is not sticky, which means that the temperature is not enough and needs to be heated, so this is the correct way to use this kind of mechanical equipment.

In order to prolong the service life of the plastic modified granulator, when we use this kind of mechanical equipment, we must pay attention to the change of the body temperature at any time. If the temperature is too low, it needs to be heated. As long as the touch of the hand is used to judge the temperature You can keep abreast of the operation of machinery and equipment in a timely manner.

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