TENGDA Is a Professional Plastic Extruder Machine Manufacturers in China.

Why do extruders occasionally squeeze out useless waste

by:TENGDA     2022-11-19

Why does the extruder occasionally extrude useless waste during the use of the extruder? What is the reason for this? Many enterprise managers have encountered such problems when using this kind of mechanical equipment, so people want to find the root cause of the problem.

1. No corrective device is used

In fact, the reason why the extruder extrudes useless waste is because people do not use a correction device in the process of using this kind of mechanical equipment. The correction device can help this kind of mechanical equipment to work better and prevent the parts from deviating.

2. Part position deviation

If the extruder occasionally squeezes out useless waste, then this is a reminder that the position of the part of this mechanical equipment is deviated, and we should find the deviated part and correct it.

Many large enterprises use extruders in the production process. Generally speaking, the failure rate of this kind of mechanical equipment is very low. Occasionally, waste products are extruded because there is no correction. After correction, everything will return to normal.

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