TENGDA Is a Professional Plastic Extruder Machine Manufacturers in China.
Lab Scale TPE Thermoplastic Elastomers
How many single screw extruder are produced by TENGDA per year?
By serving the market with great annual output of single screw extruder, we underpin our commitment to this market. We will continue to make the investment in increasing the capacity of our production facilities. We expect to be able to fulfill all production requirements during the year and to meet your orders within an acceptable delivery timeframe.
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Nanjing Tengda Machinery Co., Ltd. has grown to be a leading multinational manufacturer of tsh twin screw extruder. TENGDA's tdh twin screw extruder is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. The production process of TENGDA plastic extrusion machine manufacturers is in compliance with international standards. The product is not prone to forming bacteria on its surface. The materials used have long term antibacterial properties that reduce the potential for bacterial growth.
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We are committed to safeguarding the health and welfare of the community from environmental pollution. During the production process, we will reasonably and legally handle all wastes and emissions.

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