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Daily maintenance of twin screw extruder

by:TENGDA     2022-11-18

routine maintenance

1. After 500 hours of use, there will be iron filings or other impurities from the gears in the gear box. Therefore, the gears should be cleaned and the gear box lubricating oil should be replaced.

2. After a period of use, a comprehensive inspection of the extruder should be carried out to check the tightness of all screws.

3. If there is a sudden power failure during production, the main drive and heating are stopped. When the power supply is restored, each section of the barrel must be reheated to the specified temperature and kept for a period of time before the extruder can be started.

4. If the steering fullness of the instrument and pointer is found, check whether the contact between the thermocouple and other side lines is good.

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