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Points to pay attention to when using a degradable extrusion granulator

by:TENGDA     2022-10-12

Most of the degradable extrusion granulators change the screw speed by adjusting the speed of the motor. There are three stages of deceleration. If the deceleration rate and the work match are wrong, it will waste a lot of money. energy of. This requires adding a pulley block to the motor and a deceleration stage to reduce the maximum speed.

The basic principle of the extrusion process of the degradable extrusion granulator is that a screw rotates in the barrel and pushes the material forward. The screw structure is a ramp or bevel wound on the center layer to increase the pressure to be able to overcome a large resistance. As far as the twin-screw extruder is concerned, the main resistances during operation are: one is the adhesion of the melt on the barrel wall; the other is the frictional force, which includes the frictional force between the devices and the solid particles during the first few turns of the screw rotation. The friction of the cylinder wall; one is the internal flow resistance when the melt is pushed forward.

When using the degradable extrusion granulator, it is necessary to know that the barrel heater is not the main heat source, and it has less effect on the extrusion than we think; and the temperature of the rear barrel is very important, because it affects It depends on the conveying speed of solids during the feeding or meshing process. Generally speaking, in addition to fluid distribution, varnishing and pressure control, the temperature of the die and die is at or near the temperature required for the melt.

There are many issues that affect extruder machine manufacturers, which has led to the need of getting specialists trained in certain areas so as to handle all issues that may arise as well as Application products that can solve plastic extruder machine manufacturers problems.
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