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The importance of twin screw extrusion granulator

by:TENGDA     2022-09-30

The high efficiency of the high-efficiency and multi-functional twin-screw extrusion granulator is mainly reflected in the high output. In terms of low energy consumption and low manufacturing cost, its use has been extended to food, feed, electrodes, explosives, building materials, packaging, pulp, ceramics and other fields. In addition, the 'one-step extrusion process' that combines kneading granulation and extrusion molding processes into one is also worthy of attention.

The high-speed and high-yield twin-screw extruder has the advantages of high efficiency and high output, which enables investors to obtain greater output and high returns with relatively low input, but the high-speed and high-yield screw extruder also brings some Problems, such as: the reduction of the residence time of the material in the screw will lead to uneven mixing and plasticization of the material, excessive shearing of the material may cause rapid heating and thermal decomposition of the material, and difficulty in extrusion stability control will cause the geometric size of the extrudate to fluctuate. The accuracy of the related auxiliary devices and control systems must be improved, the wear of the screw and the barrel requires the use of high wear-resistant and ultra-high wear-resistant materials, and how to improve the life of the reducer and bearing in the case of high-speed operation. solve.

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